Thursday 29 July 2010

Home sweet home and mummy's cooking!

    I love sleeping on the sofa!

and I love mummy's chicken casserole!!!

Slides, slides, slides... I love em!

We found this great one in a tunnel!

We went on a big bike ride today with Tim and Helen!

My bike seat rocks! And I get to wear a crash helmet!

I'm getting a bit heavy for mummy!

Mum and Dad took me to see Portland Bill... we couldn't find him...

It was great fun... there were some boys jumping off the rocks and everything... they wouldn't let me do that...

Oh and we saw a lighthouse!

I had a BBQ today with some of my mates. I've put some pictures in to show you. There's lots of girls I'm afraid...


  Adelina Dilly Maus...



Emily Snell!

  My laptop was popular!  

Emily and I thought we'd cause some trouble!!!

The next shots are from my catalogue... I'm in the house that Dad built...

Pops and Melanie came to see me and I went in my pool!

I didn't want to go home but mummy and daddy said we had to...


Mum said I had to hold on tight...
In the airport we tried to look like a normal family...

I was quite poorly over the next few days, but I still managed some smiles...

Today we went to the market...

There were lots of things for me to grab, it was great!

We had a picnic (I was sick)

And we did some Anne-Marie style gardening!